Art and Design

At Rainford Church of England Primary School we pride ourselves as being a school that engages, inspires and challenges pupils to become creative and cultured individuals, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment and create their own works of art, craft and design.  We intend for the children in our school to see the arts as part of their journey to self-discover into adulthood.

A child in Rainford C of E Primary School will be able to:

  • Create a range of 2D and 3D art work,
  • Use a sketch book to develop their ideas over time,
  • Evaluate the works of famous artists/architects,
  • Use others art work to influence their own,
  • Experiment with a wide range of media and make suitable choices,
  • Appreciate the importance of art and how it changes through history

We follow the aims of the 2014 National Curriculum for art, which state that children should:

  • Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
  • Become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
  • Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
  • Know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms

The curriculum content is sequenced to build learning over time. We have consulted with a specialist in the arts to ensure that the content is planned and sequenced so that knowledge and skills build on prior learning and towards clearly defined end points; curriculum content supports subsequent learning: within lessons, lesson sequences, topics, years and phases curriculum; planning identifies small enough component steps; and known gaps in knowledge and skills are addressed in the sequencing of lesson content. Cognitive Load Theory is at the heart of all of our curriculum design and pedagogy at Rainford CE and our art and design curriculum is no exception.

Within the curriculum, lessons are planned with cross-curricular links with RE, history and geography. These links are clearly highlighted on the art and design curriculum mapping to ensure that children use all opportunities to deepen learning by making those explicit links across subjects. Our art and design curriculum ensures that art and design concepts are taught in blocks to ensure clear progression and deeper understanding. These blocks or modules include colour (painting and/or collage), sculpture, drawing and printing. Each year, three of the four modules are taught of which two will be a colour unit and a drawing unit.  Printing and sculpture are taught every other year.

The children will recap key skills, knowledge and vocabulary for each concept from the previous key stage which ensures that the modules are progressive throughout the key stages. All Rainford CE pupils will be confident in using artistic vocabulary to effectively communicate their ideas and they will select and apply their knowledge and skills from other subjects to further support in drawing their own ideas. Each module has been planned to ensure key art and design skills are built upon in each year and tasks show clear progression between key stages. Each module has 3 or 4 clearly identified endpoints which are made aware to the children at the beginning of each sequence of lessons.

Drawing will be embedded in the design process across all topics (children will be encouraged to express themselves and explore their drawing using different media, both wet and dry, where appropriate). The first lesson in each topic, allows children to explore a range of concepts and allows time for children to experiment and practise/embed pre- taught skills, knowledge and vocabulary.


Long term planning

Art long term plan







Using different colours to create colour monsters

Autumn pictures-leaf printing/ painting with pinecones and conkers/Drawing hedgehogs /Bonfire and firework paintings

Rangoli patterns for Divali from materials e.g. rice, lentils. 


Tye-dye t-shirts

Easter Cards

Mothers' Day Cards

Making representations of ‘The Train Ride’ story using paper, collage, exploring colour, shape, texture +pattern making

Investigate mixing colours - Link to Kandinsky

Explore using a range of materials to paint with – e.g. twigs, brushes, sponges, fingers.

Daffodil paintings

Experiment with making marks using a wide range of resources e.g. felt pen, pencil, crayon, pastel, paint, chalk, charcoal. Children create the Hungry caterpillar.



Exploring mark making tools

Art – 3D form – clay –

Create little hedgehog

Bonfire Night Firework Pictures-Colour mixing

Make pictures and patterns by cutting, tearing and sticking a variety of materials

Observational drawing and painting of natural beauty in our garden.




Sea life pictures Hokusai – The Great Wave Picture – making our own versions with paper and collage

Wax resistant painting, masking tape batik – underwater pictures

Year 1

Sculpture- Clay thumb pot


Kathy Jeffers

Drawing - Still life drawing of a plant


Margaret Mee

Colour- whole class collage


LS Lowry

Year 2

Drawing- Still life drawing of insects and plant


Maria Sibylla Merian



Printing- Printed picture of London scene


Andy Warhol, Barbara Rae

Colour- Landscape painting of the sea


JMW Tuner, Kenneth Shoesmith, David Hockney

Year 3

Printing- stone age art print


Colour- collage of a rainforest

Henri Rousseau

Drawing- Sikhism portrait from observation


Keerat Kaur


Year 4

Sculpture- Egyptian coil pot

Drawing- School value portrait (created using words)

Sarah King

Colour- Vincent Van Gogh style landscape painting

Vincent Van Gogh

UKS2 Cycle 1

Sculpture- Islamic clay sculpture

Drawing- Imaginative abstract South American landscapes.


Tarsila do Amaral


Colour- abstract geometric paintings


Beatriz Milhazes


UKS2 Cycle 2

Collage- monarch

David Hockney. Arnold Machin


Drawing- one point perspective


LS Lowry


Printing- abstract printing/booklet of what makes St Helens special to us.


Tony Fitzpatrick, Teesha Moore



Key Figures

Our local context of a predominantly white British community leads to a need to celebrate the work of culturally-diverse notable people. Children, therefore, study a range of male and female artists of different ages and from different cultures.





Year 1

Kathy Jeffers- female, modern potter and clay sculptor since 1970

Margaret Mee- female, English Botanical illustrator 1909

LS Lowry- local male Salford artist 1880s – 1970s

Year 2

Maria Sibylla Merian- female scientific Illustrator and explorer 1640s-1710s


Andy Warhol – male, American artist, film director, and producer who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. 1920s-1980s

Barbara Rae – female Scottish painter and printmaker 1943

JMW Turner- male, English painter 1700s-1800s

Kenneth Shoesmith – male, British artist 1890s-1930s

David Hockney – male, British Painter born - 1937

Year 3


Henri Rousseau- male, French painter 1840-1910

Keerat Kaur- modern female Sikh artist  (graduated in 2012)

Year 4


Sarah King- female, English illustrator now living in Canada. 1981

Vincent Van Gogh- male, Dutch painter 1850s- 1890s


UKS2 Cycle 1


Tarsila do Amaral- female Brazilian painter 1880s – 1970s

Beatriz Milhazes- female female Brazilian painter 1880s – 1970s

UKS2 Cycle 2

David Hockney- male painter/printmaker 1937

Arnold Machin – male stamp designer 1910s-1990s

LS Lowry- local male Salford artist 1880s – 1970s

Tony Fitzpatrick- male American artist 1958

Teesha Moore – female American artist 1958

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