Our Community

Our school is located in the centre of Rainford and we have strong links with the local community. Here is a selection of activities which we have recently been involved in:

  • Fundraising Coffee mornings
  • Choir singing for the Mother's Union, Old People’s Home
  • Harvest, Education Sunday, Easter & Christmas Services at All Saints Church
  • Walking Day
  • Gala Days
  • Inter school Competitions
  • Art Exhibition in the Village Hall
  • Christingle

Charity Work

charity logos
We always encourage our children to think of others who are less fortunate than ourselves. 

As part of this work, we are pleased to support various charities, both local and national. Each year the school nominates a charity to support for the whole year. In the past years we have raised thousands of pounds for charities such as ACE (Africa Children's Education), and MacMillan Cancer Support. We also support the following Charities each year:-

  • Willowbrook Hospice
  • The Poppy Appeal
  • Sport Relief
  • Children in Need

Local Environment

linear park

The Linear Park was formerly a railway line and is now a path which is very close to our school. For the past 8 years we have been very involved in trying to make the path safer, more attractive and user friendly. Transformation of the path has been done in 3 phases:-

linear park

• Clearing of litter & debris and planting of bulbs with the Rangers. Improvement of the Path surface and clearing of overgrown vegetation to enable a safer walk to school. This work was completed with a donation from Operation Eden and with the help of lots of volunteers from Merseyfest, D of E Scheme, the Rangers & the Local Community. 
• After an application from school to the People’s Million Fund, we were awarded £49,000 to improve the path. The money was used to install a trim trail, seating, mosaics and artwork. 
• In 2013 the Local Authority installed a solid path along the length of the Linear Park. 

Local use of our School 

The local community regularly use facilities at our school. These include:- 
• Weekly Term Time Toddler group 
• Children’s After School Sports Events e.g.Choir, Rugby, Fencing, Judo etc