School Regulations




  1. Respect for staff, children and property is to be shown at all times.  This includes an acceptable standard of language and behaviour.  Physical violence of any description is unacceptable (e.g. retaliation, hitting, slapping, kicking, pinching etc.) and is forbidden in all circumstances.
  2. Any absence from school must be explained.  Unless the school is notified by letter or telephone call, before 9:30am on first day of absence, any absence will be treated as unauthorised.
  3. Children attending hospital, doctor or dental appointments must be collected from school by a responsible adult and signed out.  The school must be notified in advance of any such appointment. 
  4. No child must leave the school premises without permission from the Headteacher during school hours.
  5. Reception children must always be collected by a parent or clearly designated adult.  The class teacher must always be informed when someone other than a parent is collecting a child.
  6. In the interest of safety, we insist that no jewelry is worn in school.  Stud earrings are worn only at the parents’ own risk and should never be worn during P.E. or other related activities where there is a possibility of physical contact.
  7. When they learn to tell the time, the children are allowed to wear a watch, responsibility for which must be accepted by the parents.
  8. No toys or games should be brought to school, except at times designated by the class teacher.  Only soft foam footballs are allowed on the junior playground at the teachers’ discretion.
  9. Football boots and trainers should never be worn in school; they should be removed at the outside door.
  10. All clothing should be clearly labeled with the child’s name including footwear.
  11. No chewing gum or bubbly gum should be brought into school.
  12. Children must participate in PE or Games unless a written note is brought from home.  As swimming takes place for one week each year, it is important that children do not miss these crucial sessions.  If pupils are withdrawn from swimming or for long periods of non-participation in PE or games a Doctor’s certificate must be produced.
  13. All the children must have a change of clothes for PE, Games and Swimming.  The PE kit is listed in the prospectus on the school website. The Local Education Authority regulations state that children must wear pumps and not trainers (which can be dangerous) when using PE apparatus.  Tights must not be worn for PE.
  14. ANY implement found on a child, which is considered dangerous to others will be confiscated immediately and the parents informed and asked to collect.
  15. In the interest of health and safety, inappropriate footwear and clothing is prohibited.

Parents are asked to read the School Regulations carefully.  They are in the interests of the safety of the children and we ask that they are taken seriously.  Please sign the attached slip to acknowledge that you have read and understood the regulations and that you agree to abide by them and support the school in their implementation.     

Mrs A Richardson



* I/We have read the School Regulations, have discussed them with *my/our child and agreed to support the school in maintaining them.




Name of child……………………………………………………………………………….     Class ………………………….



Signed ………………………………………………………………………………..


*Delete as applicable.




* I/We have read the School Regulations, have discussed them with *my/our child and agreed to support the school in maintaining them.




Name of child……………………………………………………………………………….     Class ………………………….



Signed ………………………………………………………………………………..


*Delete as applicable.





* I/We have read the School Regulations, have discussed them with *my/our child and agreed to support the school in maintaining them.




Name of child……………………………………………………………………………….     Class ………………………….



Signed ………………………………………………………………………………..

*Delete as applicable.