Neurodevelopmental parent/carer forum
Are you the Parent/Carer of a child or young person with
SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disability)?
Why not come along to your Forum? It’s run by parent carers for parent carers
Our next Forum Meetings are in National Carers Week
They are informal and a chance for you to meet other parents, find out about local services and have your say so that local services meet the needs of your children and young people.
Thursday 14th June 2018
10.30 – 13.00
Arrival from 10.00 for refreshments and a buffet lunch will be served at 13.00
17.30 – 20.00
Arrival from 17.30 for a light supper. Forum starts at 18.00.
Venue for Both Forums
The World of Glass, Chalon Way East, St. Helens, WA10 1BX
Please ring the Carers Centre on 01744 675615 to book a place as we need to confirm numbers for the venue hire and catering.
PTO for programme
Daytime Programme
10.00 Arrival and refreshments
10.30 Welcome
10.35 St. Helens Council Paediatric Occupational Therapy - Cathryn Livingstone will be giving an overview of the service.
“Our aim is to provide advice and support for families who have a child with additional needs within their family. We provide assessments to look at all the problems a family may be facing within their home, and may provide various pieces of equipment to increase a client’s independence and function, and also to prevent injury or risk to the carers. We also assess the child’s long term needs in relation to major adaptations, and can assist in the process of designing facilities required for that individual.”
11.05 The Children’s Integrated Commissioning Team Manager – Garry Joyce will be giving an update on commissioned services e.g. CAMHS, OT, Speech, Communication and Language Therapy etc.
11.20 New Neurodevelopmental Pathway – Lynsey Boggan from the Pathway Co-ordination Team will be informing parents about the pathway and taking questions/feedback.
11.50 Break
12.15 Head of SEND 0-25 – Tom Howard will be giving an update on additional educational needs and taking questions and feedback.
12.30 Together Trust Mediation Service – This is an opportunity to find out more about SEND mediation with Suzie Franklin, Service Manager, who will also do a Q & A.
13.00 Lunch
Evening Programme
17.30 Arrival and light supper
18.00 Welcome
18.05 Local Authority Occupational Therapy – as above.
18.30 Together Trust – Mediation Service – as above.
19.00 The Children’s Integrated Commissioning Team Manager – as above.
19.15 New Neurodevelopmental Pathway – as above.
19.45 Head of SEND 0-25 - as above.
20.00 Close