At Rainford CE we understand that high-quality Physical Education is essential in inspiring and challenging us to lead healthy lives and develop a life-long love of sport and well-being.  Knowledge and understanding of Physical Education not only enables us to make those positive life changes, in terms of improved health, but also develops values and transferrable life-skills such as fairness and respect which leads to the development of positive relationships within society.

Therefore, it is our intention at Rainford CE to build a curriculum that enables children to develop knowledge, skills and vocabulary in a broad range of sporting activities and competitions, whilst ensuring that the National Curriculum 2014 statements underpin everything that we teach.

Our specific aims are to:

  1. Foster a school ethos where physical and mental well-being is valued and developed in a nurturing and supportive environment.
  2. Promote, educate and engage all pupils in the importance of leading healthy and active lives.
  3. Ensure that all pupils regardless of race, culture or ability have the same opportunities to develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
  4. Create a community of pupils who relish the opportunity to engage in competitive sports and activities, regardless of their ability.
  5. Foster a love of sustained physical activity in an environment where pupils encourage and support one another to be the best version on themselves.


Our PE curriculum is taught through the PE Passport scheme, which is in line with the National Curriculum and a long-term map has been created from this, to ensure a clear progression of skills and knowledge is taught throughout the school.  The scheme is used to aid teaching staff in their subject knowledge and delivery of the subject; however, teachers are positively encouraged to adjust and change lessons to suit the needs and abilities of their class.  Pupils in EYFS undertake daily physical exercise within a specialised external play area and have use of our fully equipped school hall for structured activities which focus on the fundamental skills. Pupils in Key Stage One continue to develop these fundamental skills, before moving onto skills and activities that can lead to different sports. In turn, pupils in Key Stage Two continue to develop these skills and acquire knowledge by implementing them in a game situation: in Upper Key Stage Two, children are challenged to apply their knowledge of the different sports’ rules and begin to apply their acquired knowledge of tactics in a variety of sports. Each class has access to two hours of high-quality PE lessons every week where they are given the opportunity to build upon previously taught skills; practise skills in a variety of ways, whilst allowing them time to embed their acquired knowledge and skills.  By revisiting the eight different categories of physical education (athletics, dance, (fundamental) games, gymnastics, invasion games, outdoor and adventurous activities, net and wall games, striking and fielding games) throughout the children’s primary education, pupils will remember more, know more and understand more. Children in Year 4, 5 and 6 receive weekly swimming lessons for half a term and are taught by a specialised swimming instructor through the school’s Service Level Agreement.  Any child who still has not reached the National Curriculum standard by the end of Year 6 is given the opportunity to receive further swimming lessons during the summer term to enable them to reach the standard by the end of their primary education.

Throughout the school year pupils have access to a wide range of intra and inter competitions through our enhanced Shapes Service Level Agreement; Physical Education lessons and school sports day. Furthermore, a wide range of extra-curricular sports clubs are made available to all pupils, which are changed on a half-termly basis in response to the children’s interests and suggestions.  Moreover, to enable children to reach the recommended daily 30 minutes of physical activity in school, the school uses a coach specialist to design a lunch time programme of physical activity tailored to the needs of our pupils


Long term planning


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Gym – Rocking and Rolling



Movement Skills 1

Dance – Toys




Fine Motor Skills


Dance – Nursery Rhymes



Net and Wall Game Skills 1

Stability 2- static and dynamic balance


Gymnastics – Flight – bouncing, jumping and landing

Locomotion 1




Striking & fielding- games skills 1

Athletics 1




Target Game 1

Year 1





Target Game 2




Gymnastics- wide, narrow & curled rolling & balancing

Invasion 1




Gymnastics- balancing & spinning on points & patches


Movement Skills2




Dance- pirates

Striking and fielding skills 1



Dance-animals (link to science)

Locomotion 2




Gymnastics- pathways: small & long

Object manipulation 1&2



Striking & fielding- games skills 2


Year 2






Target Game 3



Gymnastics- pathways: straight, zigzag & curve

Invasion 2



Gymnastics- stretching, curling & arching


Movement Skills 3


Dance- Fire of London (link to history)




Dance- minibeasts (link to science)

Net and Wall Game Skills 2


Gymnastics- spinning, turning & twisting

Athletics 2



Tri golf (prep for Y3)

Year 3






Health related  fitness



Football (I)


Dance- Dance around the world




Gymnastics- linking movement together


Hockey (I)

Gymnastics- receiving body weight


Tennis (N&W)



Dance- Romans (link to history)



Rounders (S&F)

Gymnastics- symmetry & asymmetry



Year 4




Dance- Egyptians (link to history)



Health related fitness

Dance- Space (pre-teaching for UKS2 science)


Dodgeball (N&W)

Gymnastics- arching & bridging


Invasion skills 3 (I)



Swimming Year 4

Gymnastics- partner work- pushing & pulling


Cricket (S & F)

Rounders (S&F)




Netball (I)

Year 5 and 6



Cycle 1






















Swimming (Class 10)



Dance- British Values


Health related fitness







Dance- British Values


Health related fitness


Swimming (Class 9)



Gymnastics- matching, mirroring & contrast (Y5)


Team-building & problem-solving





Dance- British Values


Health related fitness


Swimming (Class 8)



Gymnastics- matching, mirroring & contrast (Y5)


Team-building & problem-solving





Gymnastics- matching, mirroring & contrast (Y5)


Team-building & problem-solving


Gymnastics- counter-balance & counter tension (Y6)


Dodgeball (N&W)



Dance- the Haka





Cricket (S&F)






Netball (I)

Year 5 and 6



Cycle 2


Swimming (Class 10)




Health related fitness


Dance through the ages




Health related fitness


Dance through the ages


Swimming (Class 9)




Gymnastics- group sequencing (Y6)


Invasion skills 4






Health related fitness


Dance through the ages


Swimming (Class 8)




Gymnastics- group sequencing


Invasion skills 4





Gymnastics- group sequencing


Invasion skills 4


Gymnastics- flight (Y6)




Tennis (N&W)



Dance- World War 2 (pre-teaching of KS3 history)


Danish longball (S&F)



Rounders (S & F)





Ultimate frisbee (I)


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