Home School Agreement
Home- School Agreement September 2020
This policy has been written with regard to Keeping Children Safe in Education document 2016 and the Equality Act 2010. The school’s Equality Policy provides a framework for the school to pursue its equality duties to eliminate unlawful discrimination and harassment, promote equality of opportunity and promote good relations and positive attitudes between people of diverse backgrounds in all of its activities.
This agreement aims to develop the partnership between the school, child and family, clarifying the role of each partner and explains:
- The school’s responsibilities towards its pupils
- The responsibility of each pupil’s parents
- What the school expects of its pupils
All registered parents are asked to sign the declaration below to indicate that they understand and accept the content of the home-school agreement and have explained to their child what the school expects of them.
The School will:-
- Encourage children to do their best at all times and praise effort in all areas
- Foster a Christian ethos within a happy, secure and caring environment, showing a clear regard for the Christian values of peace, thankfulness, trust, friendship, love and forgiveness
- Provide sensitive pastoral care, appropriate to the needs of the child
- Encourage children to care for their environment and each other and respect authority
- Provide a welcoming atmosphere for children, parents/carers and visitors
- Welcome communication and dialogue between staff and parents: always being prepared to discuss parent’s/carer’s concerns about their children and promptly inform parents of any concerns the school may have
- Work collaboratively with parents to enable parents to effectively support children’s learning at home and to inform parents of the homework structure, set and mark homework on a regular basis in line with the school’s homework policy.
- To have a clear and consistent approach to sanctions/rewards as set out in the Behaviour Policy.
- Value each individual equally and aim to prove a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the need of each child
- Inform parents of their child’s progress at two parents’ evenings each year and through a detailed written report in the Summer term
- Explain to children the school rules and ensure that the rules are included in the school prospectus and on the website
- Provide parents/carers with curriculum information regarding what is to be taught each term
- Keep parents/carers informed about school activities and events through the provision of regular newsletters, notices, letters and articles on the school website
- Offer opportunities for parents and families to become involved in the daily life of the school
- Seek the views of the school community.
Headteacher’s Signature: ……………………………………………………………………
Parents/carers will:-
Engage & respond to feedback opportunities and questionnaires; trying to be honest, constructive and positive about the school and when appropriate, give opinions about how we can improve.
Ensure that their child travels to and from school safely and in a respectful and well behaved manner
Ensure that children attend school regularly and arrive punctually between 8.50 and 9.00am, properly equipped, fit and ready to learn
Notify school by telephone as early as possible on the morning of the first day of a child’s absence, explaining reason for absence
Avoid family holidays during term-time and apply for permission in writing to the Headteacher for leave of absence in the case of exceptional circumstances
Attend parent’s evenings and any other appointments to discuss their child’s progress and wellbeing in school.
Support the school rules and regulations and ensure that their child understands them
Initially contact the class teacher if they have concerns about the way their child has been dealt with. If concerns remain then they should contact the Headteacher or Deputy Head and then the School Governors.
Try to attend school events when possible
Support their child’s learning at home and ensure that homework set by the school is completed and handed in on time
Support the school’s dress code and ensure property is named
Support the school’s behaviour and online safety policies
Provide prompt information about any changes in circumstances which may affect their child’s work or behaviour
Ask their child for all letters/correspondence from school
Work in partnership with the school to follow all school policies and advice
Contribute to the community life of the school e.g. Support for Friends of Rainford Church of England School (FORCES).
Show respect for adults and children on the school site
Read the monthly newsletter in order to stay up to date with school news and issues
Support the school’s safeguarding procedures and policies including the appropriate use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter.
Sign up for and use the cashless payment systems for school dinners (the office staff will be pleased to help if you are unsure). If monies are sent into school for other clubs/services then please put payments for separate items into separate envelopes and label clearly with child’s name, class, amount enclosed and purpose.
Children will:
Come to school regularly and on time
Be positive, listen carefully and try their best
Take care of other people, equipment and the environment
Bring all the equipment that is needed to school each day including PE bag and reading book
Do any homework and return it to school on time
Celebrate differences between people and respect other people’s views and beliefs
Work well with others and be a part of the team
Wear the correct school uniform and be tidy in appearance
Try to eat healthy food and drink plenty of water
Follow the school rules
Be polite and follow the school’s Behaviour Policy
Make sure letters from school and home are delivered safely
Let the school know if they are feeling worried either through posting a note in the worry box or by speaking to someone they feel comfortable with
When using ICT (information communication technology):
- only access websites that the teacher has agreed if using computers or iPads
- only use computers or iPads to help with education not to do things that they have not been asked to do
- use cameras only to photograph people or things that the teacher has asked for
- look after ICT equipment
Parent/carer’s signature: ……………………………………………………..