Our GROW Curriculum

At Rainford CE Primary School, we have developed  our GROW curriculum which is focused on equipping our children with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to love learning, develop character and be successful in life.  We aim to develop our Christian values of love, joy, peace, perseverance, justice, forgiveness and friendship throughout our curriculum.  Our curriculum complies with our duties under the Equality Act 2010 as laid out in our Equality Audit and Objectives and is accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs.  If parents would like to find out more about our GROW curriculum, please contact the School Office and a member of the Senior Leadership Team will get back t you.

We have four main areas that influence all our teaching and learning to help prepare our children for life in the diverse and ever changing modern world:


To foster our children’s spiritual and moral development so that they can understand the meaning and significance of faith, experience God’s love and develop the spirituality to enable them to live out our Christian values of love, joy, peace, friendship, forgiveness, perseverance and justice and learn to respect and care for God’s creation. 


To equip our children with the learning behaviours that will enable them to become independent and resilient learners who have the confidence to embrace new challenges and overcome them.


To develop the appropriate subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum and beyond through outstanding teaching and learning so that children can flourish, reach their potential academically, physically and artistically.


To develop our children's ability to value themselves as a unique individual with special qualities and strengths developing self-discipline and honesty; taking responsibility for their own actions and appreciating their ability to make a positive difference in the world; to develop our children's ability to appreciate, respect and work cooperatively with others, recognising similarities and celebrating differences. 


If parents would like to find out more about our curriculum, we hold curriculum evenings each year in the autumn term, and communicate via the Homework Letter what children will be learning in the coming week.. For any further information regarding the curriculum, please contact Mrs Richardson via the School Office.