Snow and Ice Procedures



We are always prepared for the possibility of snow disruption during the winter and poor weather conditions.

Our key objective during the worst weather conditions is to open school on a site that is safe and adequately staffed. When we experience ice or snow our first priority is to assess whether we can make the site safe enough for adults and children.


Although we keep up-to-date with forecasts and weather warnings, some snow and ice conditions can be quite localised. What appears to be 'slushy' snow at school can be compacted very quickly on frozen ground when children are walking on it, or there may be severe snow around school but little where you live.

When there is a possibility that school may not be able to open we will assess the following criteria:


      • Can the site be made safe for children, parents and staff

      • Will we have sufficient staff to meet safe and appropriate adult:child ratios?

      • Can we provide meals at lunchtime?

  • Are external agencies e.g. police, LA, motoring organisations advising against travel?

When we are confident we have an adequate number of staff and accessibility to school is safe, we will open.

Where a decision to close is made, the Senior Leadership Team will ensure that as soon as practically possible:-

  • The decision is made as soon as possible - preferably before 7.30am
  • Parents and carers are informed via the School Spider facility
  • The school website is updated
  • The close information is shared with the Local Authority and radio stations
  • The Headteacher has the overall responsibility for making a final decision on closure and ensuring each of the above is carried out

There may be occasion when a late start to the school day will be considered, e.g.

  • Additional time needed to make the school site safe
  • Additional travelling time needed for staff due to road conditions and the effect on safe operating staff/pupil ratios

In the event of late opening, parents and carers will be informed using the procedures set out above.

If the school is to remain closed for a second day, a decision will be made by 6pm the same day.


In the event of heavy snow during the school day

In extreme circumstances, when adverse weather is predicted or breaks out during the school day, a decision made be made to close the school with immediate effect.  The decision to close the school during a working day is not taken lightly but the over riding principle is the safety of pupils and staff.

Where a decision is taken to close the school day, parents will be informed in the usual way by Teachers2Parents and by the school website.

Parents and carers will be expected to make arrangements for their children to be collected as soon as possible.